Dienstag, 26. März 2013

Breathing makes you strong

Whatever you're doning right now,
take a deep breath, than another.
You are so beautiful. Has anyone
told you that lately ? And there's 
something more important. You 
are strong. Sometimes it feels like
you're not. Maybe even most the
time. But please don't ever forget,
you' re strong than you know.
Every day you wake up, not matter
what, no matter what you' ve gone
throgh, you wake up in the morning,
take a second and apperiate that. 
After all these years, you still have
hope. Maybe it's buried deep inside.
Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but 
you keep going on every goddamn day-
And this makes you incredible.
But breathe today, breath right now.
Sometimes things are too much. And 
I want you to know that's ok.
I am still on your side. And I am 
never going to leave.
There will be times when you
want to break down and cry,
times when you want to fall
asleep and never ever wake up
again. That doesn't make you weak.
It makes you human, and thats beautiful.
After you all you've been through, you
can still feel. Never underestimate that.
Because you know what it means ?
There is hope. It means that you're 
able to feel love, hapiness, pride
and joy. It means you're still alive.
But more than this it means you're still 
living. Stay strong. Stay beautiful.
Never stop feeling. I am begging you.
Even pain is a feeling which needs to 
be felt. It makes you strong, too. 
But today keep on breathing.

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